According to Martin Christopher, numerous of firms prefer to stick to their old practices. This however, allows more open and flexible competitors to gain an advantage, and their performance inevitably declines.
Want to know the signs that your organization may have a “Stiff neck Attitude” to Change? Well, you are if:
● Low sales and falling market share, as old products are overtaken by competitors ;
● Many customer complaints, particularly about quality and delivery dates ;
● Reliance on a few customers, especially with long-term, fixed-price contracts;
● Old-fashioned attitudes and operations
● Poor industrial relations, with low employee morale and high staff turnover ;
● Poor communications within the organisation and with trading partners
● Too much inflexible top management with no new appointments;
● Inward-looking managers who are out of touch with operations or customers.
There you have it, look out for our blog on how you can remedy such issues and be the change.
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